Friday, 23 May 2014

The Rise in Exotic Pets

Exotic animals today are an alternative to traditional pets like dogs and cats . The most common in our country are rabbits , hamsters, ferrets, fish and birds, but also rising is the love for reptiles such as bearded dragons. If we decided to have one as a pet, we purchase from an authorized and empowered place, where the origin of these animals come from a farm or place that has the relevant permissions.

Wild and protected by the laws of wildlife animals can not be kept in captivity. In Chile there are two laws governing trade of animals. There is the Hunting Act , which defines and offences , and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES ) , which is the main international body that regulates the traffic of flora and fauna in danger of extinction.

Following are the exotic animals that most commonly found as pets in Chile and some tips that are optimal :

- Rabbits : Adopting bunnies as pets , a practice that has increased significantly in recent years . There are several reasons that make the Rabbit an excellent companion for the home. First, these animals do not usually take a lot of work, are very quiet and peaceful in all his behaviour easily and usually get along with other pets if properly adapts .

Rabbits are also very intelligent animals , and can breed very easily. However, to ensure that your pet exhibits this type of character, proper care is essential . There are few cases in which adopting a rabbit ends up being a negative experience, because many people simply do not know how to properly care for the new family member .

- Urchins Earth : A urchins are considered very solitary animals , only seek the company of a copy of the opposite sex only in the breeding season . They like the night the day , especially by low preference for sunlight . They are very quiet , but can be shown to sullen excessive noise or show signs of stress when they are handled too . The males are usually more complicated and sullen than females.

The peculiarity by which striking her small body , which reaches not exceed 16 inches long and weigh between 300 and 400 grams, its outer armor full of spikes that can reach up to 2.5 inches in adult specimens . The color of the fence, on the most common examples , usually alternating brown and white.

- Poultry: Canarios and catitas birds are commonly found in homes. It is important to have them in appropriate cages provided with food and fresh water available . The diet is based on seeds as bird seed and oats ( in the market there are specially formulated mixtures ) and vegetables such as lettuce and carrot sticks . The cage must always be kept clean by doing deep once weekly cleaning . Ideal is to have them as a couple to be in company.

- Hamster : The Hamster is a social animal, and nature are often found together in large groups. Despite its diminutive size, the hamster is an animal character. Taking care of these small animals , is a very easy task, and at usual takes no more than 5 minutes do it, but it requires perseverance. If we are to have a partner , we keep them in separate cages if we want to intersect and have offspring. In the market there are various accessories to be more entertaining life Hamster : There are exercise balls , cages and mazes to race cars.

- Fish : If you are thinking of having fish as pets , we recommend are fresh water , as the salt water require greater handling . These tanks are commercially available in different sizes , accessories and food of various kinds for keeping fish optimally. If you have more than one species of fish in the aquarium , you should advise them to learn properly and can coexist harmoniously.

- Ferrets (or ferrets ) are carnivorous mammals that are characterized by their elongated body having a mask and his beautiful coat . They are very playful , and curious regalones . They require a large cage, ideally two floors for them to explore and discover . There are various colors like black , chocolate, tan and white, among others. It should be fed based on animal flesh. In our country it is difficult to find food specially formulated for them, it is recommended to give them cat food Super Premium quality .

You see there are several alternatives for a pet , not just those traditional as the dog and cat. Many times , because we do not have enough space and time for the necessary care , I recommend having a different pet .

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