A Degu pet's diet should be mainly herbaceous foliage , as with the degu in its natural state . I mean, you can give plants of our field, the field behind home, or just buy hay in a pet shop . This is what gives the fiber.
Sure has also crossed your head feeding bags seed mix for hamsters, and yes, you have to give this, but the amount of seed should not exceed one quarter of the amount of food that is given. ( beware of giving too many sunflower seeds and corn , because they are very fat ) .
Finally, to complete the diet, it never hurts to give it a fruit or vegetable. We can give you broccoli , lettuce , endive , carrot ...
An important point to consider is that degus need a supply of vitamin D. However, this is not provided by the plants, at least not exactly . plants provide as a precursor , provitamin D , which transforms into vitamin D in the skin of the animal. This change occurs only in contact with ultraviolet light, which occurs in nature due to the exposure to the sun thus it is important to know that degus need to have a few hours of daylight , or if for any reason it is impossible then try bulbs of ultraviolet light, which can be found in pet shops .
Another very important issue is the fact that these animals can not digest sugar, so be careful with giving sweets.
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