In summer many people travel to remote locations and return home with a very special souvenir: an exotic pet . Maybe it's a baby crocodile or alligator , a ferret or an African tortoise. Whatever the chosen animal and its origin, its owners and cohabitants should know the risks that can lead to health , in order to avoid them. The diseases transmitted from animals to humans , whether exotic or domestic, are called zoonoses.
It is rare that people who live with the animals contract, although the possibility exists. " For a person contracting a zoonosis must be low defenses or immunocompromised - for a major disease such as AIDS , cancer or any kind of leukemia - be children or the elderly ," says Gemma Alfonso , specialist in exotic animals veterinary referral center, the Hospital Board Goron , Sitges ( Barcelona).
But what are the diseases that can transmit exotic pets to humans ? As reported by Alfonso vary by species groups (birds , reptiles , mammals and rodents) .
Psittacosis Parrots
More and more animal lovers that are made with a bird . In veterinary consultation is a greater variety of birds : from classic canaries and budgies to large parrots such as macaws or Yako , an African gray parrot able to talk and whose scientific name is " Psittacus erithacus " ; lovebirds , who always come in pairs ; parrots , palm trees that grow in the Mediterranean in the heart of cities like Barcelona, and some captured and carried to their homes .
Wash hands thoroughly after handling animal cages a fundamental measure to prevent any infection
The attraction and love their owners have for these birds - some even kiss them , explains Alfonso should not lose sight of them they are animals and can transmit a bacteria called chlamydia . One of the infections that cause psittacosis is . In humans, psittacosis parrots called lung Caregiver birds and their symptoms are fever , headache , chills, and sometimes pneumonia.
Alfonso insists that this type of infection is rare , however , when they occur can be serious. In fact , the first successful lung transplant in Spain , led by Ferran Morell, now head of Pneumology Service of the Hospital Vall d' Hebron , Barcelona , was performed on a young patient who developed lung caregiver bird because I had a parrot at home.
For these reasons , the caretakers of exotic birds in the homes must be very careful when cleaning the cages , where the waste material of the birds may be contaminated with the bacteria that causes psittacosis, " Chlamydia psittaci " . Wash hands thoroughly after handling is a fundamental measure to prevent infection , highlighted Alfonso.
Ferrets, sharp eye with rabies
Ferrets , Family Mustelidae - mammalian - type , is a pet that has become more fashionable in recent years . Their owners take them out for a walk with collar and harness as if a dog were more , but they are not. It is advisable to buy them when they are very small , with two or three and a half months as long as you at that young age is very easily habituated to people. However, when they are adults it is very difficult to accustom to living with humans and tend to bite.
Another aspect that is very important in the case of ferrets is sure of its origin , as from certain countries may be carriers of rabies infection that can be transmitted to humans through a bite. In the case of Spain , sold ferrets are well controlled and have no contagious diseases, Alfonso.
The reptiles, carry salmonella
Reptiles are also part of the repertoire of exotic pets that are adopted in homes : chameleons , iguanas , snakes (mostly python ) and Florida turtles (some with red ears and other yellow ) are some of the species that are most in veterinary consultations. The sale of poisonous snakes is prohibited , so that their owners , input and not have to worry about poisonous bites .
Instead, they should be more cautious with other animals such as turtles of Florida, in less aggressive appearance , yes they can bite . These turtles feed on feed and meat , but it is important to know that most meat , the more aggressive they become. Experts recommend that your power is based on feed and the meat is only a supplement . As for iguanas in mating season become more territorial and tend to bite, although not usually unless they feel threatened , to catch them or touch them.
In the case of alligators and crocodiles , which are sold after a vacation in an exotic destination , often not calculated newly acquired considerable size and can become aggressive when they do not eat or eat insufficiently , Alfonso details .
One aspect that reptile owners or partners should note is that they are carriers of " Salmonella " , a well known bacteria population because, in summer, high temperatures favor its occurrence in foods , when consumed they can cause diarrhea , fever and vomiting. Although no sick reptiles are carriers of the bacteria and can transmit it to people by touching the stool . To prevent infection , it is essential to remember and apply the basic rule of handwashing whenever spaces are cleaned , insists the vet. Rabbits and " Encephalitozoon cuniculi "
The rabbit is not strictly what could be considered an exotic pet , but the truth is that , increasingly, this animal leaves the farm to be installed in homes. And these friendly animals , which tend to be confused with rodents when they are actually mammals, can carry a parasite. This is the " Encephalitozoon cunicul " which causes them to neurological problems , which can be transmitted to people with weak immune systems , such as AIDS patients , explains Alfonso. The symptoms of this zoonosis in humans are varied : from vomiting to diarrhea , headache or fever.
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