In summer many people travel to remote locations and return home with a very special souvenir: an exotic pet . Maybe it's a baby crocodile or alligator , a ferret or an African tortoise. Whatever the chosen animal and its origin, its owners and cohabitants should know the risks that can lead to health , in order to avoid them. The diseases transmitted from animals to humans , whether exotic or domestic, are called zoonoses.
It is rare that people who live with the animals contract, although the possibility exists. " For a person contracting a zoonosis must be low defenses or immunocompromised - for a major disease such as AIDS , cancer or any kind of leukemia - be children or the elderly ," says Gemma Alfonso , specialist in exotic animals veterinary referral center, the Hospital Board Goron , Sitges ( Barcelona).
But what are the diseases that can transmit exotic pets to humans ? As reported by Alfonso vary by species groups (birds , reptiles , mammals and rodents) .
Psittacosis Parrots
More and more animal lovers that are made with a bird . In veterinary consultation is a greater variety of birds : from classic canaries and budgies to large parrots such as macaws or Yako , an African gray parrot able to talk and whose scientific name is " Psittacus erithacus " ; lovebirds , who always come in pairs ; parrots , palm trees that grow in the Mediterranean in the heart of cities like Barcelona, and some captured and carried to their homes .
Wash hands thoroughly after handling animal cages a fundamental measure to prevent any infection
The attraction and love their owners have for these birds - some even kiss them , explains Alfonso should not lose sight of them they are animals and can transmit a bacteria called chlamydia . One of the infections that cause psittacosis is . In humans, psittacosis parrots called lung Caregiver birds and their symptoms are fever , headache , chills, and sometimes pneumonia.
Alfonso insists that this type of infection is rare , however , when they occur can be serious. In fact , the first successful lung transplant in Spain , led by Ferran Morell, now head of Pneumology Service of the Hospital Vall d' Hebron , Barcelona , was performed on a young patient who developed lung caregiver bird because I had a parrot at home.
For these reasons , the caretakers of exotic birds in the homes must be very careful when cleaning the cages , where the waste material of the birds may be contaminated with the bacteria that causes psittacosis, " Chlamydia psittaci " . Wash hands thoroughly after handling is a fundamental measure to prevent infection , highlighted Alfonso.
Ferrets, sharp eye with rabies
Ferrets , Family Mustelidae - mammalian - type , is a pet that has become more fashionable in recent years . Their owners take them out for a walk with collar and harness as if a dog were more , but they are not. It is advisable to buy them when they are very small , with two or three and a half months as long as you at that young age is very easily habituated to people. However, when they are adults it is very difficult to accustom to living with humans and tend to bite.
Another aspect that is very important in the case of ferrets is sure of its origin , as from certain countries may be carriers of rabies infection that can be transmitted to humans through a bite. In the case of Spain , sold ferrets are well controlled and have no contagious diseases, Alfonso.
The reptiles, carry salmonella
Reptiles are also part of the repertoire of exotic pets that are adopted in homes : chameleons , iguanas , snakes (mostly python ) and Florida turtles (some with red ears and other yellow ) are some of the species that are most in veterinary consultations. The sale of poisonous snakes is prohibited , so that their owners , input and not have to worry about poisonous bites .
Instead, they should be more cautious with other animals such as turtles of Florida, in less aggressive appearance , yes they can bite . These turtles feed on feed and meat , but it is important to know that most meat , the more aggressive they become. Experts recommend that your power is based on feed and the meat is only a supplement . As for iguanas in mating season become more territorial and tend to bite, although not usually unless they feel threatened , to catch them or touch them.
In the case of alligators and crocodiles , which are sold after a vacation in an exotic destination , often not calculated newly acquired considerable size and can become aggressive when they do not eat or eat insufficiently , Alfonso details .
One aspect that reptile owners or partners should note is that they are carriers of " Salmonella " , a well known bacteria population because, in summer, high temperatures favor its occurrence in foods , when consumed they can cause diarrhea , fever and vomiting. Although no sick reptiles are carriers of the bacteria and can transmit it to people by touching the stool . To prevent infection , it is essential to remember and apply the basic rule of handwashing whenever spaces are cleaned , insists the vet. Rabbits and " Encephalitozoon cuniculi "
The rabbit is not strictly what could be considered an exotic pet , but the truth is that , increasingly, this animal leaves the farm to be installed in homes. And these friendly animals , which tend to be confused with rodents when they are actually mammals, can carry a parasite. This is the " Encephalitozoon cunicul " which causes them to neurological problems , which can be transmitted to people with weak immune systems , such as AIDS patients , explains Alfonso. The symptoms of this zoonosis in humans are varied : from vomiting to diarrhea , headache or fever.
Friday, 23 May 2014
The Rise in Exotic Pets
Exotic animals today are an alternative to traditional pets like dogs and cats . The most common in our country are rabbits , hamsters, ferrets, fish and birds, but also rising is the love for reptiles such as bearded dragons. If we decided to have one as a pet, we purchase from an authorized and empowered place, where the origin of these animals come from a farm or place that has the relevant permissions.
Wild and protected by the laws of wildlife animals can not be kept in captivity. In Chile there are two laws governing trade of animals. There is the Hunting Act , which defines and offences , and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES ) , which is the main international body that regulates the traffic of flora and fauna in danger of extinction.
Following are the exotic animals that most commonly found as pets in Chile and some tips that are optimal :
- Rabbits : Adopting bunnies as pets , a practice that has increased significantly in recent years . There are several reasons that make the Rabbit an excellent companion for the home. First, these animals do not usually take a lot of work, are very quiet and peaceful in all his behaviour easily and usually get along with other pets if properly adapts .
Rabbits are also very intelligent animals , and can breed very easily. However, to ensure that your pet exhibits this type of character, proper care is essential . There are few cases in which adopting a rabbit ends up being a negative experience, because many people simply do not know how to properly care for the new family member .
- Urchins Earth : A urchins are considered very solitary animals , only seek the company of a copy of the opposite sex only in the breeding season . They like the night the day , especially by low preference for sunlight . They are very quiet , but can be shown to sullen excessive noise or show signs of stress when they are handled too . The males are usually more complicated and sullen than females.
The peculiarity by which striking her small body , which reaches not exceed 16 inches long and weigh between 300 and 400 grams, its outer armor full of spikes that can reach up to 2.5 inches in adult specimens . The color of the fence, on the most common examples , usually alternating brown and white.
- Poultry: Canarios and catitas birds are commonly found in homes. It is important to have them in appropriate cages provided with food and fresh water available . The diet is based on seeds as bird seed and oats ( in the market there are specially formulated mixtures ) and vegetables such as lettuce and carrot sticks . The cage must always be kept clean by doing deep once weekly cleaning . Ideal is to have them as a couple to be in company.
- Hamster : The Hamster is a social animal, and nature are often found together in large groups. Despite its diminutive size, the hamster is an animal character. Taking care of these small animals , is a very easy task, and at usual takes no more than 5 minutes do it, but it requires perseverance. If we are to have a partner , we keep them in separate cages if we want to intersect and have offspring. In the market there are various accessories to be more entertaining life Hamster : There are exercise balls , cages and mazes to race cars.
- Fish : If you are thinking of having fish as pets , we recommend are fresh water , as the salt water require greater handling . These tanks are commercially available in different sizes , accessories and food of various kinds for keeping fish optimally. If you have more than one species of fish in the aquarium , you should advise them to learn properly and can coexist harmoniously.
- Ferrets (or ferrets ) are carnivorous mammals that are characterized by their elongated body having a mask and his beautiful coat . They are very playful , and curious regalones . They require a large cage, ideally two floors for them to explore and discover . There are various colors like black , chocolate, tan and white, among others. It should be fed based on animal flesh. In our country it is difficult to find food specially formulated for them, it is recommended to give them cat food Super Premium quality .
You see there are several alternatives for a pet , not just those traditional as the dog and cat. Many times , because we do not have enough space and time for the necessary care , I recommend having a different pet .
Wild and protected by the laws of wildlife animals can not be kept in captivity. In Chile there are two laws governing trade of animals. There is the Hunting Act , which defines and offences , and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES ) , which is the main international body that regulates the traffic of flora and fauna in danger of extinction.
Following are the exotic animals that most commonly found as pets in Chile and some tips that are optimal :
- Rabbits : Adopting bunnies as pets , a practice that has increased significantly in recent years . There are several reasons that make the Rabbit an excellent companion for the home. First, these animals do not usually take a lot of work, are very quiet and peaceful in all his behaviour easily and usually get along with other pets if properly adapts .
Rabbits are also very intelligent animals , and can breed very easily. However, to ensure that your pet exhibits this type of character, proper care is essential . There are few cases in which adopting a rabbit ends up being a negative experience, because many people simply do not know how to properly care for the new family member .
- Urchins Earth : A urchins are considered very solitary animals , only seek the company of a copy of the opposite sex only in the breeding season . They like the night the day , especially by low preference for sunlight . They are very quiet , but can be shown to sullen excessive noise or show signs of stress when they are handled too . The males are usually more complicated and sullen than females.
The peculiarity by which striking her small body , which reaches not exceed 16 inches long and weigh between 300 and 400 grams, its outer armor full of spikes that can reach up to 2.5 inches in adult specimens . The color of the fence, on the most common examples , usually alternating brown and white.
- Poultry: Canarios and catitas birds are commonly found in homes. It is important to have them in appropriate cages provided with food and fresh water available . The diet is based on seeds as bird seed and oats ( in the market there are specially formulated mixtures ) and vegetables such as lettuce and carrot sticks . The cage must always be kept clean by doing deep once weekly cleaning . Ideal is to have them as a couple to be in company.
- Hamster : The Hamster is a social animal, and nature are often found together in large groups. Despite its diminutive size, the hamster is an animal character. Taking care of these small animals , is a very easy task, and at usual takes no more than 5 minutes do it, but it requires perseverance. If we are to have a partner , we keep them in separate cages if we want to intersect and have offspring. In the market there are various accessories to be more entertaining life Hamster : There are exercise balls , cages and mazes to race cars.
- Fish : If you are thinking of having fish as pets , we recommend are fresh water , as the salt water require greater handling . These tanks are commercially available in different sizes , accessories and food of various kinds for keeping fish optimally. If you have more than one species of fish in the aquarium , you should advise them to learn properly and can coexist harmoniously.
- Ferrets (or ferrets ) are carnivorous mammals that are characterized by their elongated body having a mask and his beautiful coat . They are very playful , and curious regalones . They require a large cage, ideally two floors for them to explore and discover . There are various colors like black , chocolate, tan and white, among others. It should be fed based on animal flesh. In our country it is difficult to find food specially formulated for them, it is recommended to give them cat food Super Premium quality .
You see there are several alternatives for a pet , not just those traditional as the dog and cat. Many times , because we do not have enough space and time for the necessary care , I recommend having a different pet .
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Plants to Avoid if you have a Degu
Here are a list of plants that have proven harmful to a degu pet and that can usually have in houses.
• Philodendron ( Philodendron )
• Adam's Rib ( Monstera deliciosa )
• Dieffenbachia ( Dieffenbachia ) Aronstabgewächs ( Araceae )
• Poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima) sash ( Monstera deliciosa ) Aronstabgewächs ( Araceae )
• Amaryllis ( Amaryllis sp ) plant amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae )
• Crown of Thorns ( Euphorbia milli
• Rubber plant (Ficus elastica ) and ficus in general) Azalea (Rhododendron simsii ) , plant heather ( Ericaceae )
• Cyclamen ( Cyclamen persicum ) , Primelgewächs ( Primulaceae )
• ( chrysantemum vulgare )
• Photos ( Epipremnum pinnatum )
• Drago, Dragon Lily (Dracaena sp. ) Agavengewächs ( Agavaceae )
Garden plants
• Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens )
• Laburnum , regular ( Laburnum anagyroides )
• Ivy (Hedera helix)
• Thuja , Tree of Life (Thuja )
• lupine ( Lupinus)
• Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum
• Holly ( Ilex aquifolium )
• Daffodil ( Narcissus)
• Hyacinth ( Hyacinthus orientalis )
• Autumn crocus ( Colchicum autumnale )
• Tulip (Tulipa )
• Oleander ( Nerium oleander)
• Hydrangea ( Hydrangea macrophylla )
• Geranium (Pelargonium ) , plant Geranium ( Geraniaceae )
• Passion Flower (Passiflora )
• Agave ( Agave americana )
• Clivia ( Clivia miniata )
• Philodendron ( Philodendron )
• Adam's Rib ( Monstera deliciosa )
• Dieffenbachia ( Dieffenbachia ) Aronstabgewächs ( Araceae )
• Poinsettia ( Euphorbia pulcherrima) sash ( Monstera deliciosa ) Aronstabgewächs ( Araceae )
• Amaryllis ( Amaryllis sp ) plant amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae )
• Crown of Thorns ( Euphorbia milli
• Rubber plant (Ficus elastica ) and ficus in general) Azalea (Rhododendron simsii ) , plant heather ( Ericaceae )
• Cyclamen ( Cyclamen persicum ) , Primelgewächs ( Primulaceae )
• ( chrysantemum vulgare )
• Photos ( Epipremnum pinnatum )
• Drago, Dragon Lily (Dracaena sp. ) Agavengewächs ( Agavaceae )
Garden plants
• Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens )
• Laburnum , regular ( Laburnum anagyroides )
• Ivy (Hedera helix)
• Thuja , Tree of Life (Thuja )
• lupine ( Lupinus)
• Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum
• Holly ( Ilex aquifolium )
• Daffodil ( Narcissus)
• Hyacinth ( Hyacinthus orientalis )
• Autumn crocus ( Colchicum autumnale )
• Tulip (Tulipa )
• Oleander ( Nerium oleander)
• Hydrangea ( Hydrangea macrophylla )
• Geranium (Pelargonium ) , plant Geranium ( Geraniaceae )
• Passion Flower (Passiflora )
• Agave ( Agave americana )
• Clivia ( Clivia miniata )
How to keep a Degu Pet happy
A Degu pet gets bored easily, so you have to give them things to gnaw .
They love to jump and climb, but what is worse , they also like to chew everything at your fingertips so you'll have to watch it right when you take it out of the cage.
Keep the cage out of our bedroom, unless you do not want to sleep a wink , as these animals tend to run around their cage at night.
The Degu fur is cleaned with sand ( like the chinchilla and gerbil ) , so we have to put a container of sand inside the cage .
When the degu "sings" is that he is happy .
If you issue sounds shrill and followed our degu afraid .
When grunts while eating is that you do not want to be disturbed
If you issue discontinuous screams , the animal wants our attention . It may mean that he is angry that the cage is dirty , it bothers your partner , etc. who wants company .
Before beginning with degu breeding should know the sex of the animal. Like other rodents, we will look at the distance between the genital opening and anus. The male has a greater distance between the 2 holes .
Gestation is 3 months
The offspring of degu are nidífugas born with hair and are already active
This rodent has two litters per year , with 5 to ten pups each
Lactation lasts one and a half
When a female is breastfeeding is necessary to separate it from other
The female reaches sexual maturity at 3 months , the male between 3 and 15 . The male is recommended to wait until 15 months to be sure.
The female will separate their children in the sixth month of life, if the pups are reluctant leave them a bit plus 1 /3 weeks
They love to jump and climb, but what is worse , they also like to chew everything at your fingertips so you'll have to watch it right when you take it out of the cage.
Keep the cage out of our bedroom, unless you do not want to sleep a wink , as these animals tend to run around their cage at night.
The Degu fur is cleaned with sand ( like the chinchilla and gerbil ) , so we have to put a container of sand inside the cage .
When the degu "sings" is that he is happy .
If you issue sounds shrill and followed our degu afraid .
When grunts while eating is that you do not want to be disturbed
If you issue discontinuous screams , the animal wants our attention . It may mean that he is angry that the cage is dirty , it bothers your partner , etc. who wants company .
Before beginning with degu breeding should know the sex of the animal. Like other rodents, we will look at the distance between the genital opening and anus. The male has a greater distance between the 2 holes .
Gestation is 3 months
The offspring of degu are nidífugas born with hair and are already active
This rodent has two litters per year , with 5 to ten pups each
Lactation lasts one and a half
When a female is breastfeeding is necessary to separate it from other
The female reaches sexual maturity at 3 months , the male between 3 and 15 . The male is recommended to wait until 15 months to be sure.
The female will separate their children in the sixth month of life, if the pups are reluctant leave them a bit plus 1 /3 weeks
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Caring for a Hamster
You can have two hamsters in a cage , though hamsters will often fight. Watch your hamsters carefully at first to make sure they get along. Things You'll Need:
Start with littermates . This is the easiest way to ensure two hamsters get along. If you were born together , they need no introduction to the other. Keep two of the same sex that works better and is more practical , otherwise soon have hamsters.
Buy young hamsters , three to seven weeks old is best. Dzungarian Dwarf hamsters , short dwarf hamsters and Russian hamsters are supposed to live together happily.
Keep the two separated hamsters , at first, if they are not litter mates .
Remove a hamster from its cage and put it in a box for a few minutes . Remove the second hamster and place it inside the hamster cage first. Put the first hamster cage hamster second . Let hamsters are kept in cages for several hours each , then return each to his own hamster cage individually .
Repeat this for several days. At first , hamsters may appear nervous when in the cage of the other, but after a few days, each hamster should appear comfortable. It's time to move on to the next phase of introduction.
Put hamster on the floor in a closed room to exercise together . Make sure doors and heat registers are closed and that all dangerous objects are removed.
Let hamsters interacting in the open floor space . Observe their behaviour. Do they smell one another? Do they play near each other ? Or did they fight, or try to bite each other? Repeat this process as many times as possible for several days.
Buy a bigger cage. Try to get one at least twice the size of its original box . The hamsters are less crowded , less claustrophobic feel , and they will be more likely to get along .
Move to the big cage together. Watch closely for the first 24 hours, especially at night when the hamsters are most active. If they are going to fight , it is more likely to do so when they are awake and energetic.
Monitor their behaviour over the next few months . Sometimes it takes a while for hamsters who decide they do not like each other . If you see them struggling, biting or find that one is cornering or intimidation of another , separate the hamsters.
Start with littermates . This is the easiest way to ensure two hamsters get along. If you were born together , they need no introduction to the other. Keep two of the same sex that works better and is more practical , otherwise soon have hamsters.
Buy young hamsters , three to seven weeks old is best. Dzungarian Dwarf hamsters , short dwarf hamsters and Russian hamsters are supposed to live together happily.
Keep the two separated hamsters , at first, if they are not litter mates .
Remove a hamster from its cage and put it in a box for a few minutes . Remove the second hamster and place it inside the hamster cage first. Put the first hamster cage hamster second . Let hamsters are kept in cages for several hours each , then return each to his own hamster cage individually .
Repeat this for several days. At first , hamsters may appear nervous when in the cage of the other, but after a few days, each hamster should appear comfortable. It's time to move on to the next phase of introduction.
Put hamster on the floor in a closed room to exercise together . Make sure doors and heat registers are closed and that all dangerous objects are removed.
Let hamsters interacting in the open floor space . Observe their behaviour. Do they smell one another? Do they play near each other ? Or did they fight, or try to bite each other? Repeat this process as many times as possible for several days.
Buy a bigger cage. Try to get one at least twice the size of its original box . The hamsters are less crowded , less claustrophobic feel , and they will be more likely to get along .
Move to the big cage together. Watch closely for the first 24 hours, especially at night when the hamsters are most active. If they are going to fight , it is more likely to do so when they are awake and energetic.
Monitor their behaviour over the next few months . Sometimes it takes a while for hamsters who decide they do not like each other . If you see them struggling, biting or find that one is cornering or intimidation of another , separate the hamsters.
Introducing the Richardson Squirrel
The Richardson is a pet squirrel that if we care for small can be affectionate, but is something that requires patience and time because they tend to be quite elusive . It's bad climber , so we can have them in a cage for rabbit which place a deep substrate so you can dig and other places to hide, with a temperature not exceeding 27 degrees . It has a life expectancy of about four years.
The squirrel Richardson is herbivorous and granivorous , we can give hay, fresh fruit and vegetables such as lettuce , cucumber , carrot , green pepper , soya, beet , dandelion , banana, watermelon, grapes ... can give prizes in the form of pipes or unsalted melon and prohibited foods like wheat bread , cereals , corn or alfalfa.
In its natural habitat, Richardson squirrel hibernates during the cold season , about six or seven months between September and April the adult specimens . The period of hibernation of captive squirrel Richardson does not have the same duration and occurs depending on age, sex, time , etc. .
As for health, Richardson squirrel can suffer internal and external and poor nutrition related diseases parasites.
If you feel threatened, the Richardson squirrel can get to bite , the tail is a great indicator of his mood and his movements as we know how you are . For example , if you move quickly, feel insecure and nervous, try to give you confidence. If the queue is lush and swollen, we mean that is very angry and can attack , then we leave her alone. If you are up is quiet , and if you are up but stuck to his back , which will be very afraid .
The squirrel Richardson, like a degu pet, also makes significant sounds , shows insecurity through a teeth chattering , screams or to warn of danger.
The squirrel Richardson is herbivorous and granivorous , we can give hay, fresh fruit and vegetables such as lettuce , cucumber , carrot , green pepper , soya, beet , dandelion , banana, watermelon, grapes ... can give prizes in the form of pipes or unsalted melon and prohibited foods like wheat bread , cereals , corn or alfalfa.
In its natural habitat, Richardson squirrel hibernates during the cold season , about six or seven months between September and April the adult specimens . The period of hibernation of captive squirrel Richardson does not have the same duration and occurs depending on age, sex, time , etc. .
As for health, Richardson squirrel can suffer internal and external and poor nutrition related diseases parasites.
If you feel threatened, the Richardson squirrel can get to bite , the tail is a great indicator of his mood and his movements as we know how you are . For example , if you move quickly, feel insecure and nervous, try to give you confidence. If the queue is lush and swollen, we mean that is very angry and can attack , then we leave her alone. If you are up is quiet , and if you are up but stuck to his back , which will be very afraid .
The squirrel Richardson, like a degu pet, also makes significant sounds , shows insecurity through a teeth chattering , screams or to warn of danger.
Degu Diet
A Degu pet's diet should be mainly herbaceous foliage , as with the degu in its natural state . I mean, you can give plants of our field, the field behind home, or just buy hay in a pet shop . This is what gives the fiber.
Sure has also crossed your head feeding bags seed mix for hamsters, and yes, you have to give this, but the amount of seed should not exceed one quarter of the amount of food that is given. ( beware of giving too many sunflower seeds and corn , because they are very fat ) .
Finally, to complete the diet, it never hurts to give it a fruit or vegetable. We can give you broccoli , lettuce , endive , carrot ...
An important point to consider is that degus need a supply of vitamin D. However, this is not provided by the plants, at least not exactly . plants provide as a precursor , provitamin D , which transforms into vitamin D in the skin of the animal. This change occurs only in contact with ultraviolet light, which occurs in nature due to the exposure to the sun thus it is important to know that degus need to have a few hours of daylight , or if for any reason it is impossible then try bulbs of ultraviolet light, which can be found in pet shops .
Another very important issue is the fact that these animals can not digest sugar, so be careful with giving sweets.
Sure has also crossed your head feeding bags seed mix for hamsters, and yes, you have to give this, but the amount of seed should not exceed one quarter of the amount of food that is given. ( beware of giving too many sunflower seeds and corn , because they are very fat ) .
Finally, to complete the diet, it never hurts to give it a fruit or vegetable. We can give you broccoli , lettuce , endive , carrot ...
An important point to consider is that degus need a supply of vitamin D. However, this is not provided by the plants, at least not exactly . plants provide as a precursor , provitamin D , which transforms into vitamin D in the skin of the animal. This change occurs only in contact with ultraviolet light, which occurs in nature due to the exposure to the sun thus it is important to know that degus need to have a few hours of daylight , or if for any reason it is impossible then try bulbs of ultraviolet light, which can be found in pet shops .
Another very important issue is the fact that these animals can not digest sugar, so be careful with giving sweets.
Degu Pet Care
Physically looks like gerbils and also have some physical similarities with squirrels , although it is related directly to the guinea pig and chinchilla.
Degu Pets are characteristic because their teeth are orange . Originally from Chile, they live in captivity an average of 6 years.
Its main requirement to keep at home is very happy to have a large cage and having a partner can be the same sex to avoid problems with many offspring.
An ideal cage is 60x60x150 cm , aviary type but the bigger, the better .
They must have several levels, a wheel, twigs, bark , stairs , burrow, several shelters . Drinker ball , sandpit bath , corner for pipi and trough. You should never forget the water.
The degu can be very still, so you have to give them things to be distracted such as branches with leaves , pieces of rags, handkerchiefs
The degu are very clean , your stools are hard so you can sweep perfectly and if we put a cornerback with sand, there will pee .
Once a week require a bath with chinchilla sand .
The degu pet must always have hay available. A part of the hay, will give about 30 grams of feed per day and degu , we can give the feed chinchilla or guinea pig .
We can give you all kinds of fruit and vegetables except potatoes and cabbage that are toxic to them . Dandelion and clover suits them . Fruits not abuse them because degú not synthesize the sugar even fruit . Vegetables should be giving them to room temperature, not cold .
EL degu always have to have Resinous bark not available , the fruit trees are best.
Do not have a degu above 32 degrees , so not having this pet exposed to extreme heat or where high temperatures are reached.
Most curious of degu are your sounds when happy can emit a similar sound song of a nightingale . If the noise is loud and obnoxious , it's because he's scared. If discontinuous emits cries , is that we are calling because you want something, or to cleanse the cage, which you feed , which has no water ect
If you are considering having two degu, male and female, say that pregnancy is 3 months and born around 5-8 pups per litter , 2 litters a year .
The pups are like the guinea pigs are born with hair, and active and are born quite advanced and independent.
Degu Pets are characteristic because their teeth are orange . Originally from Chile, they live in captivity an average of 6 years.
Its main requirement to keep at home is very happy to have a large cage and having a partner can be the same sex to avoid problems with many offspring.
An ideal cage is 60x60x150 cm , aviary type but the bigger, the better .
They must have several levels, a wheel, twigs, bark , stairs , burrow, several shelters . Drinker ball , sandpit bath , corner for pipi and trough. You should never forget the water.
The degu can be very still, so you have to give them things to be distracted such as branches with leaves , pieces of rags, handkerchiefs
The degu are very clean , your stools are hard so you can sweep perfectly and if we put a cornerback with sand, there will pee .
Once a week require a bath with chinchilla sand .
The degu pet must always have hay available. A part of the hay, will give about 30 grams of feed per day and degu , we can give the feed chinchilla or guinea pig .
We can give you all kinds of fruit and vegetables except potatoes and cabbage that are toxic to them . Dandelion and clover suits them . Fruits not abuse them because degú not synthesize the sugar even fruit . Vegetables should be giving them to room temperature, not cold .
EL degu always have to have Resinous bark not available , the fruit trees are best.
Do not have a degu above 32 degrees , so not having this pet exposed to extreme heat or where high temperatures are reached.
Most curious of degu are your sounds when happy can emit a similar sound song of a nightingale . If the noise is loud and obnoxious , it's because he's scared. If discontinuous emits cries , is that we are calling because you want something, or to cleanse the cage, which you feed , which has no water ect
If you are considering having two degu, male and female, say that pregnancy is 3 months and born around 5-8 pups per litter , 2 litters a year .
The pups are like the guinea pigs are born with hair, and active and are born quite advanced and independent.
Basic Specifics of a Degu Pet
It is slightly larger than a hamster and can weigh up to 300g. She has golden brown fur, dark and bright eyes and two large ears that move as two always attentive to the smallest noise dishes. His tail is long, the size of the body, and ends with a tuft of hairs at the tip.
This friendly rodent is the most common mammal in Chile. Estimates point to more than 100 per hectare Degus. Live on the western slopes of the Andes mountain range, can be found at over 1000m altitude.
They are grouped in small family groups, and even in captivity, like the company of other members of their species. Their natural homes are burrows in the ground or small rocky caves.
This friendly rodent is the most common mammal in Chile. Estimates point to more than 100 per hectare Degus. Live on the western slopes of the Andes mountain range, can be found at over 1000m altitude.
They are grouped in small family groups, and even in captivity, like the company of other members of their species. Their natural homes are burrows in the ground or small rocky caves.
Info on Degu's
A cage for Degus should be spacious , especially in height , because these animals are very energetic and need exercise. Cottingham , pipes , trunks , shelves , wheels , etc. give the animal enough to occupy and simulate your little natural environment .
Their food is quite simple and should consist primarily of food for Degus own or, if not find , ration Chinchillas or Guinea Pigs . The power base must be supplemented with natural goodies consist of fruits , seeds or vegetables but , like all treats should be given sparingly and in small amounts , especially those that have sugar . It should also always put alfalfa hay and feed to the nest construction , and a mineral block to spend teeth .
They are very smart animals and learn quickly who their owners are , letting them easily grab and put on your lap . You never should hold the tail as this can break. They are pets that should be handled only by children already grown , or adults .
A Degu pet is quite resistant without requiring many veterinarians care . We recommend only one routine annual visit to a veterinarian of exotic . A pampered Degu can easily reach 7-8 years of age.
Their food is quite simple and should consist primarily of food for Degus own or, if not find , ration Chinchillas or Guinea Pigs . The power base must be supplemented with natural goodies consist of fruits , seeds or vegetables but , like all treats should be given sparingly and in small amounts , especially those that have sugar . It should also always put alfalfa hay and feed to the nest construction , and a mineral block to spend teeth .
They are very smart animals and learn quickly who their owners are , letting them easily grab and put on your lap . You never should hold the tail as this can break. They are pets that should be handled only by children already grown , or adults .
A Degu pet is quite resistant without requiring many veterinarians care . We recommend only one routine annual visit to a veterinarian of exotic . A pampered Degu can easily reach 7-8 years of age.
Monday, 19 May 2014
The Personality of the Degu
The Degu is an easy pet to care increasingly extends as a pet . They are clean animals and they do not need to be brushed or combed ( has short hair ) nor bathe . If you ever get too dirty, we can clean with mild soap for babies, clarify and we will remove it with a hairdryer , plus leave it in a dry place so they do not constipe . In addition , the fur is cleaned with sand so we will provide a container for that at hand.
As for his food, the wild degu eating grasses , roots, flowers and fruits. At home we can give him hay, grass ( clover ) and flowers ( poppy is toxic , the most appropriate is the dandelion) , and also a proper granule degus , or a mixture of granules for chinchilla or guinea pig. Moreover, the degu eat vegetables except cabbage and potatoes ( they are toxic ) but can give tomatoes, carrots , lettuce ...
Often the degu suffer digestive problems and so try not to suffer excesses and have a varied diet. Once a month we can give raisins or nuts, also liking much are beneficial to your health. Remove fruit because it contains a lot of sugar (they are prone to diabetes) and give you stale bread to strengthen your teeth. We will complete the diet with alfalfa hay and used also for shelter .
In degu cage install a tray with sand for chinchillas so you can play and you can keep your hair shiny . In addition , we will provide elements that can gnaw to keep their teeth in good condition and can serve others to hiding .
The Degu gets bored easily , so we will provide in its cage leafy branches , cardboard boxes , tissue paper ... to make it entertaining. Also, loves to climb and gnaw all you have around you.
We should note that we will take to never degu by the tail , as if they feel threatened he can be loose and not grow back .
The advantage over other pet degu is based on their diurnal , active personality and life expectancy ( high if kept in good circumstances).
As for his food, the wild degu eating grasses , roots, flowers and fruits. At home we can give him hay, grass ( clover ) and flowers ( poppy is toxic , the most appropriate is the dandelion) , and also a proper granule degus , or a mixture of granules for chinchilla or guinea pig. Moreover, the degu eat vegetables except cabbage and potatoes ( they are toxic ) but can give tomatoes, carrots , lettuce ...
Juvenile Degu Close to it's Food |
Often the degu suffer digestive problems and so try not to suffer excesses and have a varied diet. Once a month we can give raisins or nuts, also liking much are beneficial to your health. Remove fruit because it contains a lot of sugar (they are prone to diabetes) and give you stale bread to strengthen your teeth. We will complete the diet with alfalfa hay and used also for shelter .
In degu cage install a tray with sand for chinchillas so you can play and you can keep your hair shiny . In addition , we will provide elements that can gnaw to keep their teeth in good condition and can serve others to hiding .
The Degu gets bored easily , so we will provide in its cage leafy branches , cardboard boxes , tissue paper ... to make it entertaining. Also, loves to climb and gnaw all you have around you.
We should note that we will take to never degu by the tail , as if they feel threatened he can be loose and not grow back .
The advantage over other pet degu is based on their diurnal , active personality and life expectancy ( high if kept in good circumstances).
Choosing the right food for your Degu
Digestive problems are very common in the degu pet , so it is recommended not to make any excess about it because it can become a diabetic mouse . Still, many experts say that the variety can be a constant in your diet without drawbacks or side effects occur. Advised him once a month nuts or raisins , products grateful not only for its taste but also for the benefits it will bring you .
The right food to keep it in perfect condition is granulated for degus , but can be combined with suitable for chinchillas or guinea pigs , because it contains less sugar and fat . Moreover, it must procure hay and alfalfa to complete your diet in addition to use as material for shelter. Should remove their food fruit because of its high sugar content , but bring you to strengthen your teeth hard bread.
To degus eating a degu enjoy many years of life must have a comprehensive care. Many people buy these kinds of animals tends to brush them , which is not suitable in this variety because of its short fur. On the other hand , does not support the water, so it is not recommended bathe .
An alternative is to apply when dirty mild baby soap and wipe quickly when the body has cleared , because it is prone to colds. This situation usually occurs rarely since degus are very clean and are grooming each other.
Using a cube tray with sand for chinchillas and degus to play in that place and at the same time, help you maintain a smooth and shiny hair. Try it heavy for not tipping the container. Do not forget to provide elements that facilitate the health of your teeth and others will serve as a hiding place , but they can not cause you any danger.
Although it is a rodent, a degu as a pet is increasingly widespread as a pet, much like other exotic animals like the bearded dragon, you must learn before purchasing one of the care required and possible diseases that may acquire for how appease . Thus, enjoy a mouse that is capable of withstanding up to eight years in captivity .
The right food to keep it in perfect condition is granulated for degus , but can be combined with suitable for chinchillas or guinea pigs , because it contains less sugar and fat . Moreover, it must procure hay and alfalfa to complete your diet in addition to use as material for shelter. Should remove their food fruit because of its high sugar content , but bring you to strengthen your teeth hard bread.
Degu Eating |
To degus eating a degu enjoy many years of life must have a comprehensive care. Many people buy these kinds of animals tends to brush them , which is not suitable in this variety because of its short fur. On the other hand , does not support the water, so it is not recommended bathe .
An alternative is to apply when dirty mild baby soap and wipe quickly when the body has cleared , because it is prone to colds. This situation usually occurs rarely since degus are very clean and are grooming each other.
Using a cube tray with sand for chinchillas and degus to play in that place and at the same time, help you maintain a smooth and shiny hair. Try it heavy for not tipping the container. Do not forget to provide elements that facilitate the health of your teeth and others will serve as a hiding place , but they can not cause you any danger.
Although it is a rodent, a degu as a pet is increasingly widespread as a pet, much like other exotic animals like the bearded dragon, you must learn before purchasing one of the care required and possible diseases that may acquire for how appease . Thus, enjoy a mouse that is capable of withstanding up to eight years in captivity .
Features of a Degu
It is increasingly common to see a rodent part of a home. This is the case of a degu as a pet, a similar mouse chinchilla or gerbil . Most nutrients are acquired from a poor but balanced diet , so many experts say it can survive perfectly without liquid; only with water acquired from your daily diet.
Experts say that the degu has a multitude of features belonging to other rodents like squirrels , which took the form of the head, or guinea pig, whose ears are similar in nature. When compared with the gerbil , we see that his tail is presented in the same way , ie , covered with hair , this being more abundant as it arrives at the end. Much like a baby bearded dragon though, the degu is still an exotic pet and research should be done on its species.
Latin American origin
This pet comes from South America , being able to find in Peru , in central Chile , including 2,500 meters of altitude in the Andean region . Until recently , it had become the main focus of scientific researchers , who used him to perform laboratory experiments. These rodents were imported to the U.S. to study diabetes and then began his descent and European continent expansion , settling in France and Spain .
The genetic heritage of European Americans comes degus , which has resulted in the inheritance of certain diseases from these tests that have been made in your body, such as organic imbalances , diabetes or prone to mouth infections.
Differentiate it from other rodents
Although this is an animal that has similar to others of its kind , the degu shows a longer tail than normal but also characterized by having very large ears and short nose physical traits. Your body has a rounded shape compared to that of her head is rather elongated . Unlike chinchilla or guinea pig has a very short coat , but does not end in the body, but also extends to his tail , showing an abundant at the end of the same strand . We suggest not caught in this area , because it can dislodge easily, especially if it feels threatened.
The colour that characterizes him is light brown , becoming yellowish on the back, and clearing up in the belly white load . Moreover, this rodent 's jaw is crucial for you to enjoy gnawing on various products. The Degu is very fortunate in his dental provision, as the two front teeth in the upper part and the corresponding mouth at the bottom grow throughout its lifetime , so never fear losing them.
Small but heavy
Despite being an animal of small size , in the area of rodents we are talking about a being of great size. Its tail is shorter than its body , measuring up to 118 mm , while the rest of his anatomy reaches 180 mm. the smallest , with the highest recorded measurements of 320 mm long , including the tail.
The weight of the rodent noted that ranges between 92 and 250 gr .
The maximum was recorded only in extreme cases of a pet degu, while diagnosing obesity problems due to disorders in the body that have been derived from its previous designation as mouse ?
Experts say that the degu has a multitude of features belonging to other rodents like squirrels , which took the form of the head, or guinea pig, whose ears are similar in nature. When compared with the gerbil , we see that his tail is presented in the same way , ie , covered with hair , this being more abundant as it arrives at the end. Much like a baby bearded dragon though, the degu is still an exotic pet and research should be done on its species.
A Degu Family |
This pet comes from South America , being able to find in Peru , in central Chile , including 2,500 meters of altitude in the Andean region . Until recently , it had become the main focus of scientific researchers , who used him to perform laboratory experiments. These rodents were imported to the U.S. to study diabetes and then began his descent and European continent expansion , settling in France and Spain .
The genetic heritage of European Americans comes degus , which has resulted in the inheritance of certain diseases from these tests that have been made in your body, such as organic imbalances , diabetes or prone to mouth infections.
Differentiate it from other rodents
Although this is an animal that has similar to others of its kind , the degu shows a longer tail than normal but also characterized by having very large ears and short nose physical traits. Your body has a rounded shape compared to that of her head is rather elongated . Unlike chinchilla or guinea pig has a very short coat , but does not end in the body, but also extends to his tail , showing an abundant at the end of the same strand . We suggest not caught in this area , because it can dislodge easily, especially if it feels threatened.
The colour that characterizes him is light brown , becoming yellowish on the back, and clearing up in the belly white load . Moreover, this rodent 's jaw is crucial for you to enjoy gnawing on various products. The Degu is very fortunate in his dental provision, as the two front teeth in the upper part and the corresponding mouth at the bottom grow throughout its lifetime , so never fear losing them.
Small but heavy
Despite being an animal of small size , in the area of rodents we are talking about a being of great size. Its tail is shorter than its body , measuring up to 118 mm , while the rest of his anatomy reaches 180 mm. the smallest , with the highest recorded measurements of 320 mm long , including the tail.
The weight of the rodent noted that ranges between 92 and 250 gr .
The maximum was recorded only in extreme cases of a pet degu, while diagnosing obesity problems due to disorders in the body that have been derived from its previous designation as mouse ?
Introduction to the Degu
We degus are very small rodents like guinea pigs or gerbils to which come from South America, specifically in central Chile , at most get to measure 32cm . We have an average of 8 years of longevity in captivity. In reality we are much more sympathetic if we follow the advice that we will give you our care for and look after us as the degu pet we deserve .
Our accommodation has to be about 60cm long and about 80cm high. In the cage , for physical exercise and not go gnawing the bars , I need a wheel metal, pieces of wood to chew and exercise the jaw , a mineral block with mineral nutrients I need, a wooden hut where I sleep at night. Inside the wooden hut put me hay for comfort .
We like to keep a clean and shiny coat. Unlike rabbits , we do not like to bathe us with biotin shampoo . For our daily bath tub indoor use , such as chinchilla, chinchilla sand .
We have a tendency to get so thick my diet should be composed of 70 % hay and alfalfa , which regulate the intestinal tract, a trough with water, granulated degus , in small quantity, can be replaced with squirrel food , and stale bread occasionally ... is a delicacy to strengthen my teeth. The fruit must take it in very small quantity or even try it because it has lots of sugar and become diabetic .
In the cage need hypoallergenic material hygienic bed to avoid allergies and avoid moisture and fungus diseases . You should clean the cage of your degu pet every 4 or 5 days also disinfecting .
Our accommodation has to be about 60cm long and about 80cm high. In the cage , for physical exercise and not go gnawing the bars , I need a wheel metal, pieces of wood to chew and exercise the jaw , a mineral block with mineral nutrients I need, a wooden hut where I sleep at night. Inside the wooden hut put me hay for comfort .
A baby Degu Pet |
We like to keep a clean and shiny coat. Unlike rabbits , we do not like to bathe us with biotin shampoo . For our daily bath tub indoor use , such as chinchilla, chinchilla sand .
We have a tendency to get so thick my diet should be composed of 70 % hay and alfalfa , which regulate the intestinal tract, a trough with water, granulated degus , in small quantity, can be replaced with squirrel food , and stale bread occasionally ... is a delicacy to strengthen my teeth. The fruit must take it in very small quantity or even try it because it has lots of sugar and become diabetic .
In the cage need hypoallergenic material hygienic bed to avoid allergies and avoid moisture and fungus diseases . You should clean the cage of your degu pet every 4 or 5 days also disinfecting .
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